10 Sites to Inspire Your Creative Expression
I truly hope my post: 7 Creative Ways to Stop Feeling Like A Victim was helpful. As I reread it, I noticed that it would be awesome and helpful for my readers if I expanded it. I’m going to take step by step the seven recommendations and give links to sites/people and places. Hopefully they can help you in utilizing each tool to get beyond the past and leave victim-hood behind! So here goes.
So a first recommendation in 7 Creative Ways to Stop Feeling Like A Victim was to use CREATIVITY! Being creative is so powerful-and healing, by expressing ourselves freely via writing’s, visual art or movement! Here are some resources to inspire you (they are not step by step, how-to sites) to work the healing process using creativity. I did focus primarily on visual art with some to written expression. Readers please share other sites that you like that stimulate your creativity and healing! Any books link take you to Amazon and I get a small commission. Namaste, thanks for supporting this blog. Kala
- The Creative Mind Blog by Douglas Eby. He has posts such as “The Complexity of the Creative Personality” & “Dancing With Our Shadow to Develop Creativity” where he talks about the movie Black Swan (which I’ve been wanting to see so bad!) I quite liked his writing, this is for getting positive understanding of creativity as a powerful form of expression. And with his psych back ground he brings that understanding in and gives helpful book recommendations. Douglas Eby has a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, and is a writer and researcher on the psychology of creative expression and personal growth.
- Healing through Creativity by Catherine Rogers Jonsson on Visual Art, Creativity and Health. She is an art therapist and artist herself. She offers workshops for organizations, and she travels, in 2011 she will be in Tennessee, Portland and even Alberta Canada.
- The Creativity Portal– a big site as the name implies, with lots to read on various blogs by writers and visual artist and lots of contributors like: an interview with Natalie Goldberg, whose seminal work is Writing Down the Bones
. Check out their FREE twice-monthly Creativity NewZine for creativity coaching tips, book excerpts, art projects, and more to jump start your creativity! The have auto prompts that you push a button and get a a idea prompt-a random question to get the brain going.
- Stealing Plums– Molly Anderson-Childers blog, she is a writer, artist, and photographer living and creating in Durango, Colorado. Her work has appeared locally, nationally, and online. Her blog is lovely visually, lots of images on a dark black background so they pop out. Great to inspire you to take out your digital camera and roam around outside or finding beauty inside your home, in a little table top or on top of the fireplace. Enjoy.
- Herzensart– I love this site! I think she is in Germany (I love the internet the way it can connect across thousands of miles.) They create wonderful whimsical dolls like viking dolls that really aren’t just for kids. A lot of her short posts detail her creative process. Check out this post on making a cute/sly paper toy with movable arms.
- Apifera Farms– Artist and farmer Katherine Dunn is an inspiration-she grows and sells lavender and raises a variety of sheep. So if you have a rural life dream (as you may know I do) check out her blog. It’s more about creating a whole lifestyle in the country. Here is a link to how she got there: http://apiferafarm.blogspot.com/p/farm.html
- Zen Dot Studios– Buddhism & Art...”if I had to pick two words that give an overview of what I get up to in this world those would be my choices. Buddhism is the ground upon which I rest all else,” says the Canadian artist. Her work is lovely and she explores her spirituality as well.
- Textures Shapes & Color– contemporary collage paintings – the process is the byline of her blog- Leslie Avon Miller is a mixed media artist and a life coach working with creative people. She creates with a variety of water media and collage. I like she that says she is an “explorer, always following my curiosity and my intuition.” At her website on her coaching is Leslie Avon Millers inspiring bio of how creativity help to enliven her life which had fallen into a dull repetitive rut.
- Keri Smith.com– Is a Canadian artist’s site, she’s young and quirky, don’t let the grey background fool you. She is the author of several bestselling books (I”m impressed) about creativity including the bestselling Wreck this Journal
(2007 Perigee), How to be an Explorer of the World –the Portable Life/Art Museum, (2008 Perigee), The Guerilla Art Kit
(2007 Princeton Architectural Press), Living Out Loud – Living Out Loud: Activities to Fuel a Creative Life
(published 2003 by Chronicle Books). Check out her books, I’m gonna see if my library system has them, or better perhaps you have a small bookstore where you can order.
- Energies of Creation–caught my attention because of the blend of art, energetics (she is a reiki master) spirituality and gardens. Check out her post Awakening Fire which has some fabulous surrealistic type imagery and is about a shamanic journey experience. Interesting! She also has a site that details a healing technique that I got quite an energetic resonance with what’s here: Crystalline Consciousness.
Are you a writer?
Do you want to become the next big transformational author? Discover how at the Transformational Author Experience. It was a great program I listened to almost all of the 17? speakers on publishing, writing and marketing your transformational book. What I liked is that Christine K. (the organizer) really emphasized that we first transform ourselves in the book writing process. So to get four of the hour long talks, for FREE by the likes of:
- Christine Kloser, Three-Time Award Winning Author will show you How to Master the Four Levels of Transformation to Write, Publish and Market Your BEST Book
- Sonia Choquette (New York Times best-selling author) will teach you how to Trust Your Vibes as an Author – so you can quickly and easily write a book that transforms others
- Marci Shimoff (New York Times best-selling author) will show you how to Expand Your Presence as an Author and transform more people’s lives
- John Assaraf (New York Times best-selling author) will show you How to Retrain Your Brain as an Author
go to this site: http://www.transformationalauthor.com
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