About Making a Yoga Connection

Thanks for stopping by from Twitter- I’m currently reaching out to NY Tri-State, but especially NYC based holistic entrepreneurs to create win/win online marketing connections.  Current project:  a blog carnival where healers from various backgrounds, write on a specific topic of interest/expertise to them, around “women’s health.” Here’s a really well done one by Kate Connell at http://youandtheyogamat.com/yogateachertour/

This is as part of series with others, those links and connections help our websites to get more traffic.  If you are online savvy you may have seen others do this.  Contact me for more info:  viviwill (at) hotmail (dot) com.  Or 413.200.8230.  And no no money is involved, nothing skeevvy.  But some holistic folks don’t get online is huge for getting more business and arent’ sure how to do it!  This is one of the ways.  And read on for more general info:

Get in touch if you are interested in guest writing for this blog, or a networking opportunity. I’d love to hear from positive, caring individuals.  If you are interested in writing for “Yoga Bliss Dance”- I’m open to any topic that supports health esp. women’s health, wellness, spirituality.


I’d love to hear from you! I’m interested in doing guest blogging  partnerships, suggestions for topics. 

I also LOVE to review products that relate to yoga– book, bags, clothing, mats, yoga travel etc.. I’ll also be thrilled to review your  new book, CD, or DVD.  In either case I will give my honest, open review of the product for my readers.

Interested in advertising on YogaBlissDance?  Be in touch.


Your post would need to share information, that enlightens and educates.  It would include a link back to your blog or website.  This is a wonderful way to promote yourself while providing value for our readers.  Please no spammy, poorly written submissions.

Guest Posting:

  • Use contact form, subject: guest posting,
  • list 5 specific topics you could write on,
  • link to a sample of 1 specific published content.

I’ll respond within 4 weeks only if interested. Namaste (The Divine within me honors the Divine within you)