Is that Little Habit Breaking You?

This  is a direct quote of a quote I saw over at Danielle LePorte, she does these truisms over at her site and I saw this one-I had to share with you.  But I wanted to make it more useful so here’s the quote followed by some exploration questions on breaking a habit:

Habits Can Break You.

This is an important part of the Yoga of Manifestation:   how you use your energy is vital!

I have added one habit to my own life: now doing kundalini yoga every morning, and it has made a huge difference in my life!  It has impacted areas including: relationships, boldness, creative ideas, confidence, risk taking in ways that are so beyond the 1.5 hours spent doing the practice.

From my life and that of friends I’ll throw out some examples that are perhaps similar to a habit that could be “breaking you,” preventing you from being all that you could or want to be. I’ll put in some replacement habits too.

1. Coffee habit every morn/try tea like chai or green tea or a shake with fruit and “superfoods” takes like 5 min to make at home in the blender.

  • Benefit:  More energy, better skin and mental clarity- over time

2. Late night habit: Staying up till 1 am/slowing switch over a few weeks by going 15 min earlier, till you are in bed by 11.

  • Benefits: more energy in morning, whole day is affected positively.

3.  Avoidance habit: 3 hours on phone daily/before calling or taking a call think about why you are making call, is it loneliness, boredom? Are you avoiding something else that you really need to do?

  • Benefit: less stress as you handle things before they become crisis level, ie. bills or making appointments or getting info you need.  More clarity and effectiveness in your own life rather than distracting yourself.

4.  Dietary habit: Eating a sugary breakfast/gained 8-10 pounds/ Just change one meal! Usually breakfast can be easy to get control off, onstead of buying on the go a high calorie junk food breakfast on the way to work consider:  Have a choice of 2-3 healthy cereals/fruit on hand.  Or always just have oatmeal done a different way each morn ie. with cinnamon and strawberries one day and with blueberries and nuts the next.  Or try the shake idea in #1.

I’ve just noticed all of these have to do with energy.  All quick examples are of ways that drain or sabotage energy.  How are we using our precious life energy?

Making a 40 day commitment to working on 1 habit is a great way to go.  Some say 30 days at min. but spiritually 40 days is considered the length of creation of a new habit or way of being.  Try it-examine what one little habit may be hanging you up?  And commit to a sadhana-which means a spiritual practice-done regularly.  It can change your life.  It’s simple and can be free or low cost to implement.

I”d love to hear your comments as you make changes in your life or questions.  My background in holistic health and wellness may be helpful if you have questions.

Namaste, Kala

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