When Life Gives You Lemons, Make, Drink & Enjoy the Lemonade

I had a “bad” week last week, a major financial mishap was one.  Another of several things that happened, was getting my first flat tire.  During a huge thunderstorm!  I walked up to my parked car and immediately notice that the rear tire was flat.  Ahhh, I just stood for a few seconds taking it in.  Large drops began to fall and the trees whipped around me, the sky was getting darker mirroring the dark grey of the concrete lot.

Not knowing what to do, I had a moment of panic-my intuition said “get home,” it was very close by.  I wanted to get in from this storm which apparently was bad enough to have a warning issued.  But I continued to stand and get calmer. My friends lived just across the street!  Well I rang their doorbell as an old man sat on his porch watching me.  No one answered.  Deflated I walked back towards the lot, as another old man strolled by.  He was smoking and relaxed,  my intuition said “ask him, he’ll know what to do.” He told me  “no don’t drive home, it could damage your rims no, no, drive to a gas station (which was equally close) and get air in that tire.”  I reluctantly did as he advised.  As I pulled into the station a man was filling his tires, he immediately helped and reassured me.  “It’s probably a nail he said, when I told him I had just filled up the tires 2 days earlier, “they can patch it for you.”

I had delayed getting tires changed, I was told they were bald and needed to be changed in a few days. That was 2 months or so ago.

Still feeling sorry for myself I recounted my travails to a friend. And her response changed everything for me.  Like me this friend is highly intuitive and see and reads “signs.”  She said “if this flat hadn’t happened, with tires so worn, you could have had an accident. The flat forced you to finally change all the tires.”

Then I saw clearly: this mishap, the flat, the heavy rain, friends not being there, still all could have been the best outcome possible.  Karmically I  may have be due for an accident or some car mishap (in fact in my horoscope I’m going through a tough period ruled by the planet Saturn-it last years!) one of the things to watch out for is car mishaps.

I realized that very likely “it could have been worse.” But I feel that statement doesn’t get at the feeling.  In fact my angels may have been actively trying to help me by creating this relative “annoyance,” to get me to take care of a more dangerous situation. I actually felt a feeling of gratitude and sense of being protected, much deeper than a shrug of “oh it could have been worse.”

How can we look at our missteps, disputes and mishaps and see that perhaps the outcomes prevented us going down a wrong road or even unknowingly saved our lives?  I think having a meditation practice of some sort helps greatly to see the big picture, to cope and to stay calm through crisis.  Here are several articles on meditation, Why Meditation is Better Than Sex or Types of Meditation, pt. 1 Breath Awareness.  There are more related writings as well referred to at the bottom of each post.

To take this to the mystical level-the upcoming full moon tonight or tomorrow depending is called Guru Purnima, it’s a special full moon.  Guru Purnima will be in July 14, 2011 this year (occurring between 3:15 AM EDT on July 14, 2011 and 2:40 AM EDT on July 15, 2011).  In India it is often taken as a time to honor our teachers and what we have been given.  To find out more about it: check here at yogastrology.com for simple practices to do and background. Or here at mydailyastrology.com.

It’s important to be in tune with the forces around us, the unseen beings, energies and shaktis that are swirling around us.  May your spiritual practice put you in tune with all beings and the flow of life.

Namaste, Kala

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