After Yoga Teacher Training? Here’s the Best Business Marketing Coaches
Related pages: About marketing for yoga & wellness professionals.
I became certified to yoga teacher in 1994 and have seen the huge influx of yoga teachers coming out of YTT’s. Also having moved back to a major city, I’m aware of how hard it can be to get enough work as a yoga teacher. A lot of studio’s are branded now- meaning if you aren’t certified in their “style” they won’t hire you; no matter what a wonderful teacher you are.
The stats say the majority of yoga teachers work only part time, and are underpaid- this despite the huge forecast for yoga’s growth. And I feel YTT’s are not spending enough time on the business aspect of yoga to prepare their graduates.
With all of these folks, I’ve spent at least 1.5 hours and often more, perusing their content, via website, videos and offerings. I am not an affiliate of any of them and get no compensation. Do you own research, but most of them give away lots of free helpful info so you can get a clear sense of their work.
So without further adieu:
The buzz seems to be- finding one’s niche and targeting the “ideal client.” I do know that marketing is very necessary and is not an “icky” word or something you can ignore. I tried to myself- as yogi’s and heart centered professionals we have to do the inner work to believe that our work has to be sustainable. That it’s ok to earn an comfortable living.
So here are some of the best out there offering training to wellness & yoga business professionals.
Kris Ward-
Started off as a “broke yogi,” (her own words) her vibe is fun and down-to-earth; I like knowing she struggled for years herself. Now she offers coaching and online training programs. She really specializes in “Lifestyle Design” she really takes you through figuring out how you want to live and working around that to create abundance. She has a cool video that goes over our “stinkin,’ thinkin” that limits how we approach life, love and work. Her newest offering is: Lifestyle Design Coach Training and Certification Program, for “Those Whose Life’s Work is Helping Others Live Life by Their Own Design.” Racheal Cook, Faith Hunter, Kathryn Budig have all worked with her.
Alon Sagee-–
“As an experienced coach, I will help you grow your business and balance your life in much the same way, while always honoring the yogic values that inform your sensibilities… and occasionally making you laugh.” Alon has the most raving testimonials of anyone I’ve see. He’s worked with tons of yoga studios, and seems great at that. Some of the things he teaches:
- Creating a clear, focused vision for your business
- Positioning your business in a potentially saturated market
- Managing your employees
- Creating additional sources of revenue
- Choosing a studio space/designing/renovating
Racheal Cook-
She uses her MBA and her yoga training to work with yogi’s and wellness professionals & studio’s in crafting an entire lifestyle that works for them. Her vibe is caring and uber organized. About her: “you’ll adore my signature program + online mastermind, Conscious Business Design. This big-picture training program was designed to provide essential business design, strategy, and mindful marketing training specifically for healing + helping professionals.” I’ve personally learned a lot from her.
Cailen Ascher-
Seems great at working with individual teachers especially on uncovering their niche. And has 1 and 1 coaching and online course called Become a Yoga Brand. She has an wonderful free 3 Part Business Training as an intro to her work and other helpful information on her site. Her focus is on helping you get:
Clarity about your unique yoga niche & the confidence and tools to make it a reality
Ideas about how to transform your teaching, marketing, and overall business strategy by using your niche to your advantage
Kate Connell-
Mastering the Art of Private Teaching is her signature program. She says: “I support (and cheerlead) private yoga teachers to make meaningful change with their clients. ” Her aim is to “help yogi’s: Embrace your value as a private yoga teacher. Her work helps you “discover your message and unique impact as a private yoga teacher and give you the confidence to step into your potential. A map. A strategy. And a plan to build your private teaching practice and find sustainability long-term and courage to stick with it.”
Francesca Cervero-
A very successful private yoga teacher, she has been teaching a full schedule of private clients (25 a week!) in New York City since 2005. Francesca has developed such a following she has a wait-list. So with that first hand knowledge she has launched her training on private yoga teaching. After realizing that “teaching yoga one-on-one requires a different skill set than teaching group classes, and these unique skills are left out of most teacher trainings.” Her vibe is helpful, clear and focused. I’ve taught yoga privately too and loved it- but it is different than classes in many ways.
What do you think? Have you studied with any of these guys- what was your experience like? Add a comment below.
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