Bliss Blog

Surviving Being Engulfed In Flames, an Inspirational Story

Surviving Being Engulfed In Flames, an Inspirational Story

Get inspired: I ran into Alison Massari, artist, speaker and coach via Twitter of all places!  Moved by the inspiration...

Best Exercise for Vata, Pitta & Kapha Types, According to Ayurveda

Best Exercise for Vata, Pitta & Kapha Types, According to Ayurveda

Updated 2/2023 Here are some recommended best types of exercise according to Ayurveda for each dosha  (body/mind type.)  The Ayurvedic...

Coping with Workplace Bullying and a Hostile Work Place Pt. 1

Coping with Workplace Bullying and a Hostile Work Place Pt. 1

How to stop feeling like a victim? Check out my video, it covers the info in the first part (before...

Is Workplace Bullying & a Hostile Work Environment Making You Sick?

Is Workplace Bullying & a Hostile Work Environment Making You Sick?

Update: listen to a 22 min guided meditation for stress, and its free! It’s in this follow up post: “Workplace...

World Chant Day May 17th!  Open to All People of Traditions

World Chant Day May 17th! Open to All People of Traditions

#The video is under 4 min., the female narrators voice is a bit sing-song sweet.  I want to thank an...

You Can Survive Anything. Inspiring Story #1

You Can Survive Anything. Inspiring Story #1

Do you believe that good can prevail and blossom in the midst anything? As a child, I learned that there...

Lazy Delicious Raw Vegan Brownie (warm too,) less than 10 Minutes!

Lazy Delicious Raw Vegan Brownie (warm too,) less than 10 Minutes!

Honestly I just wanted to share this awesome picture I just took of my healthy brownies. So so simple scary...

Meditation for All in Oakland @ East Bay Meditation Center-Support a Worthy Cause

Meditation for All in Oakland @ East Bay Meditation Center-Support a Worthy Cause

    Namaste all.  So this is a wonderful short for East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland they are bursting...

Top 10 Web Women Who Rock! Inspirational Success Gurus

Top 10 Web Women Who Rock! Inspirational Success Gurus

Chris Ward Sara Avant Stover Faith Hunter Ani Phyo

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