Book Review
Currently I am reading Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth, Awakening to Your LIfe’s Purpose.” It is very inspirational and clear as was his last book that I read-“The Power of Now.” The latter took me a year to warm up to even reading it. I had been told by some many people how wonderful a book it was. But frankly it seemed simplistic and just boring…Well when I finally read a copy that a friend lent me, I did not want to put it down. His writing style for those who do love it: is such that you feel he really is speaking to you-personally. “The Power of Now,” is repetitive but not boring. The point is how we disengage from much of our life, and dont’ even notice it because of course we are not here NOW. We are of course in body but the rest is usually somewhere else.
So enough stalling I need to finish “A New Earth…” and then give a review of it… hopefully in the next 2-3 days. So far it’s excellent and very energizing in it’s impact. It’s very Big Picture, us within the larger society and planet. While “Power…” was very Little Picture! Why does no one say that…hmmm.