Clarifying Your Intentions
Read most of Shakti Gawain’s book Developing Intuition,
Practical Guidance for Daily Life, it’s simple, clear and would be a good introduction to working with inner guidance. A portion that resonated with me is on page 146 in the last chapter:
“In the process of learning to trust intuition, some people go through a period of time where they feel like their life is falling apart. Relationships may end (yes) or change dramatically, you may move (yes,) change jobs (yes, yes) or lose interest in familiar pastimes (yes!) These are indications that you are letting go of of certain aspects of your old identity. If you tried to hold onto it, you would limit or imprison yourself…”
The yeses are mine. She then goes on to talk about new forms that will emerge. I know some of you can relate to this, and this edition is from 2000! Ten years ago. Many of those changes are happening more rapidly now, we can resonate. Many of us are being shifted and moved about-even if you are not doing anything with your intuition.
As my previous post stated, I do think the universe is shifting us to do work that is meaningful, joyful and that will allow us to experience Sri, prosperity appropriate for this time.
Today in my self reading the emphasis was on INTENTION & POWER.
Setting intentions, is an early step on the Yoga of Manifestation. It’s a clear concise statement of what you desire to manifest. I wrote 3 sentences of minimum requirements for a new apartment. I put it away and a week later realized that the place I had found fit exactly. An intention comes out of a place of CLARITY. So that’s a previous step.
This is huge, a huge process-some recommendations to begin getting clear on what you actually want are:
- Acknowledge what you don’t’ want. For example, “I don’t want to work in retail any more!” Ok that’s negative, and no clear directive to the mind and higher consciousness of what you do want. But write it down. It can help you in finding what do you enjoy doing. And often that is how we think. We are pretty clear on what we don’t want. Next steps can develop out of that clarity.
- Meditate. Get a book, a video, take a class, but it is the key to quieting the mind enough to get answers.
- Exercise. Exercise seems to push out stagnation-mentally and physically. Ride a bike, go for a brisk walk. A recent article mentioned that in studies people felt most refreshed after walking in a natural setting as opposed to down city blocks. (That this is news is sad and shocking to me.) So find some green. Then, REPEAT ALL OF ABOVE!
Intuitive Consultations/Yoga of Manifestation/Yoga
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