So many friends around me are focused on detoxing now. They have bought package cleanses from the health food store or are doing the water/lemon juice/cayenne thing….Some have lost weight as a result and feel quite happy with the results. In terms of shiatsu bodywork which I practice and Traditional Chinese Medicine or more specifically five element theory-spring is the time of shift of energy to the liver meridian.

The liver is an uprising energy, like the power or chi that blossoms the flowers; its’ forceful and wants expression. Clients that come to me now will find that I do some work on the liver meridian or gallbladder (it’s partner channel.) Some signs of blocked liver/gallbladder energy aka wood energy, are headaches, tiredness, sluggishness, low sexual energy among others. It can happen that if winter was tough on the individual ie. very cold, emotional difficulties or anything that provoked fear (ie. loss of a job or fear of) that would tax the kidney energy which rules the winter season.
Ok so you say “that’s over winters done.” But the ramifications are that if idney energy got depleted it will impact your energy in the spring. Like nature we also have a energy flow, and the energy of winter is likened to that of water. And as in the natural world, water nourishes wood (trees) energy. So as a shiatsu practitioner, I might find that someone comes in complaining of anxiety, low back pain, cold hands or feet. Their symptoms lately might include sinus congestion, allergies, headaches and tiredness. All of this might lead me to work to nourish the kidney meridian channel in their body and the liver energy. So to bring this back to detoxification. By nourishing the liver energy with shiatsu the body’s natural detox ability will be encouraged and also a building up or tonification of the overall energy will be accomplished as well.

That client, post-shiatsu will feel energized and very clear, less fearful and the impacts unfold from one session for several days. The results with several sessions would be an easy transition to spring, more energized libido, clarity of mind and feelings of well-being. As a client recently told me-“shiatsu has ripple effects” that may be unexpected and one has to be ready for. What she meant is that old mental or emotional stuff also is processed and seen, and released when ones energy is unblocked by a skilled practitioner.
So I recommend this work when one is looking to make change, to nourish the new and release old stagnant patterns. May you be well.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid
Kalavati (Viv Williams) send e-mail
Shiatsu massage/yoga/transition mentoring