Why Work With An “Intuitive Consultant?”
Anyone can claim they are “intuitive,” in fact most of us are-it’s a matter of degrees really. Some people especially men call it “instinct.” Just as anyone can pick up a paintbrush as a hobby or hum a tune, but some are obviously gifted and develop their skills to a high degree. They are exemplary. So it is with intuition.
I work with clients in Los Angeles & San Francisco, California and throughout the U.S. by phone.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA
I love California having studied at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, in Marin County. The land there was so beautiful, the rolling hills and flora, quite different than the east coast. I took the Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation Training Program, over the course of 18 months. Over the three trips, I got to see San Francisco and the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge.
I’ve been featured in several publications as a yoga teacher over the years:
Working with spiritual people is a pleasure- especially those going through a transition. I’ve been through many myself, such as job loss and depression. After surviving so many sometimes tough transitions, myself, I’ve found that intuition can help us figure out what to do and be next. If we choose to listen.
But the first time I realized I had a gift was decades ago:
The Drowning
I was working a summer job, cleaning hotel rooms. The job had become routine, as the older ladies had helped me figure out how to clean the huge number rooms without falling behind. I had gotten so good I sometimes poured myself some leftover coffee from the guest carafe before starting the room. So I was pretty relaxed as I worked- though my ears were bothering me. You see the night before, I had gone out to hear a band and stood in front of huge speakers, the music was so loud my ears were still ringing.
I turned on the water to clean the bathroom sink…and began to hear sounds, bits of conversation, it was in my familiar patois (of my Jamaican family.) I heard “mik kase, mikkase, hurry…” I got the sense that someone was drowning, panic and fear! Mik kase (pron.), means “make haste” literally. The water sounds had clearly triggered this awareness. I turned off the water, confused. I leaned on the sink, shaken- “my God what’s happening who’s in danger?” The whole incident took only about 20 seconds and was gone. Read more…
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Kala Viv Williams
My spiritual journey began with my study of yoga. I became a certified yoga teacher, in the early ’90’s and soon began meditating in earnest, with Zen monks no less. My whole life (bio) is dedicated to spirituality & teaching and growing.
Why work with me? Are you going through what I call a “thunderbolt” experience: divorce, death around you, illness, or simply the deep desire to make changes in your life. I’ve been through lots, like being long-term unemployed, while struggling because I knew that I wasn’t using my gifts and finding any joy in my work. For a sensitive person, these experiences can destroy your self-esteem & confidence.
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What happens during a consultation:
If you’re new to working with me, start small- try a 30 min. intuitive reading, best to focus on one issue. My readings are not on the lower daily level- ie. “you will meet a man in a green stripe shirt and he’s your husband!” The information I pick up during an intuitive reading, is more psychological and spiritual- I perceive what’s blocking you from your dreams. I mean what good is it meeting the man in the striped shirt if the baggage you might bring will ruin the relationship? I’d rather leave you feeling so self-confident and clear and you’ll attract the right partner for you, when you are ready.
I won’t tell you what to do.
I will suppport you to feel more confident in your own inner wisdom. I strive to come from a place of Ahimsa (non-harming,) in our sessions. But often what we can’t see is what we aren’t seeing and why we are stuck!
With that said nothing is set in stone. Rather there are probabilities which we do our part in manifesting. Woo-woo yet very practical. I’ve manifested amazing things in record time, each time surprising myself! But only when I feel positive and empowered. When we feel dis-empowered or fearful that’s when life starts to go off the rails. Of course “negative” things do happen, but when we are in our power we cope and even thrive, growing stronger from the experience. So it is.
Want to book an appointment, see below? Checkout my blog and my Youtube channel has videos on intuition, tarot, Law of Attraction (I prefer the word Manifestation,) and other topics.
Crystal Clarity Sessions include a intuitive consultation and specific practices are given to help energize your manifestation and enhance your spiritual practice.
Have a question related to my work? Then use contact form. Clients in California (Los Angeles, San Francisco) & New York City divination & coaching are via phone or Skype (for returning clients.)