Is There a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem?
I have a book to highly recommend, if you are feeling a little down about your ability to manifest prosperity or anything else for that matter. I’m in the first few chapters of Wayne Dyer’s book “There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem.” It’s available in an E-book
as well for you technophiles. Basically he is encouraging us to realize that there are levels of energy vibration-that every thing in the universe vibrates at different frequencies. A non-scientific level of this, is: can you remember how you felt when you were truly happy, joyful; how you approached others-how you were treated, how you thought about your “problems?” Compare that to how we act and feel when we are down or feeling pessimistic, how are we treated, to others want to be around us, do we feel energetic in our bodies?
So vast difference right.
“There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem.”
So at this point in book, he is talking about the need to get to the “spiritual level” of Love, and acceptance and even gratitude-as we can always learn or grow from whatever is happening even if it is not pleasant! It is only from that highest subtlest level of energy that we can manifest.
It’s about releasing FEAR, ANGER AND DOUBT. Those are the big saboteur’s of our ability to live our highest potential as human beings and planetary beings! See this lovely NY Times article on longevity and optimism about a 99 year old woman and studies on the payback of optimism!
Again many of you have read or heard about the book The Secret, well as I maintain it does not give enough how to, manifest, it’s basically very “yes you can.” But not much how you can. So for that I recommend Wayne Dyer and also always Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization and other books for concrete ways to work with the mind on creating a life we love.
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