Is Workplace Bullying & a Hostile Work Environment Making You Sick?
Update: listen to a 22 min guided meditation for stress, and its free! It’s in this follow up post: “Workplace Stress? Try a Wonderful Guided Meditation for Stress”
I’ve been getting clarity, as to how I can serve others in the cosmic dance of turmoil that individuals and the planet are going through. As some of you know, (perhaps you’ve read my story on my about page,) I left a “good job” because of workplace bullying by my peers. To recap, I worked as an academic, a college professor for 6 years. I was so excited initially. It was my dream to have a “grown up” job, the first full time job in my life. This after years of part-time art and yoga teaching jobs that payed poorly and had no benefits.
But as a result of the stress of daily workplace bullying, my self-esteem eroded slowly but steadily. My health began to suffer and I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression as a result of the job stress. I survived with the help of a deeply skilled and caring therapist. I fought and won a tenure battle that left me bruised and more depressed. I was given sick leave. Realizing that I could not return to a toxic work environment, I left the position, with no job in this horrible economic climate.
So if you are experiencing something similar I understand, I’m coining the term a Thunderbolt experience! The image (and images are very powerful) that comes to mind is one from the tarot card deck; typically lightening is striking a tower and people are falling out. Or similarly and more hopeful another image shows a large figure in the background meditating symbolizing calm and steadiness, while flames shoot out and again folks jumping or falling through the air.
You can find your calm place. Now- I believe that crisis like these, can be a catalyst, to a new and even better life! So what is your thunderbolt experience? It could be divorce, serious illness-something that shakes you to your core, that shatters your sense of identity.
My thunderbolt experience has taught me much and after several years of disorientation, I’m beginning to feel my feet again and standing on new ground no less! As a friend recently told me in speaking of that time and it’s aftermath–“you lost your “mojo.” Well my MOJO is back! And I believe you can survive and even thrive after your crisis too.
I’m offering an opportunity to talk with me via phone-to be mentored through your thunderbolt experience. Let’s be honest-like me you may have worn out some of your friends-especially the close ones. What I mean is you are on the phone with them complaining, retelling the hurtful comments, and actions of the job or whatever the crisis is. And as it’s ongoing stress, it can be hard for friends to bear repeatedly even though they want to help. This is made worse if they work in the same company as you do!
If you are suffering I understand, you likely feel depressed and anxious. The job that you thought would be a dream or at least a good job with normal ups and downs has become a nightmare. Our dreams were for something good and whether it’s health challenge or a marriage dissolving-our hopes and expectations are shattered. send e-mail or use contact form.
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Some posts that are helpful, REMEMBER the savior fairy is not gonna pull you out of this, you have to take the steps-often simple but done regularly that will lead you out of crisis, see: