A Vision Board is a powerful tool for goal setting, and manifestation. I’ve successfully used them to:
win a five figure scholarship (that I didn’t know existed,)
get into a prestigious college, (first in family) and
gain publicity for my biz (featured in 4 national magazines w/no agent.)
All things I put on the vision board in bold color!
I’ll teach you techniques to uncover your deeper desires, create a beautiful, inspiring map to help get you there.
Listen to my podcast here on Vision Boards & my success with them
EPISODE 8: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/in-the-flow-of-magic/id1305279988
or on my Coaching Website (where you can find link to Android, Google Play as ways to listen: http://intheflowofmagic.com/2017/11/e8-vision-boards-a-fun-manifesting-tool/
Email me: yoginikala@gmail.com
When: Saturday Jan. 27, 2017
Where: TBA. Ithaca, NY (Near Commons)
Time: 1:00-5:00
Early registration prices: $60
Full Price: $75/ 2 Peeps: $70
Some basic supplies needed.
FALL 2017
Introduction to Meditation
6 Monday Night Classes 5:30-7 pm
Starts: Sept. 18th
Where: home studio 5 min. from Ithaca Commons
CLICK BUTTON TO REGISTER: Early registration pricing ends Sept. 10th!! Debit or credit card accepted no Paypal account is needed.
(There is 1 cat in the home.)

Percy “the tail” Williams as a kitten.
Are you stressed out, worried about the world and your life: relationships, work stress or health?
Do you feel overloaded at times, and disconnected? Like you are just running to keep up with task after task?
I understand. That’s why I started practicing meditation in college; sitting with the Zen monks at Mt. Holyoke College.
As an ex-New Yorker, I immediately fell in love with the practice (see my bio below.)
Hi, my name is Kala, and I’ve been leading a Meditation for Beginners 6 Week Course in the fall and winter here in Ithaca. I’m an ex-professor who found yoga and meditation were the tools to get me through difficult academic stress sanely!
Benefits from ongoing meditation practice:
- Reduce feelings of stress (deeper sleep, less anxious)
- Increase concentration-help you work more efficiently
- Decrease worrisome thoughts
- Feel calmer manage your work load & life
- Helps cope with stress related conditions, ie. HBP, IBS etc.
- Increase feelings of joy, clarity & purpose
- Ability to see & avoid recurring limiting patterns with people
Whether you are mature, a graduate student, working mom or pop, meditation is something anyone can do. And it will have a huge impact on your life if you let it!
CONTACT send e-mail QUESTIONS: Call Kala at 607-339-9849
Former participants:
As someone who had taken mindfulness-based meditation classes before but had not kept up with my practice, I was inspired by Kala’s example and guidance to make a commitment to daily meditation. Her instruction has transformed the way I react in the moment to stress, allowing me to be more compassionate and patient with others.
M.S., Editor, Ithaca.
I very much enjoyed working with Kala. Her meditation sessions have a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, and I benefited from learning basic meditation techniques such as the body scan and walking meditation. Kala helped me deal with stress and sleeping problems, and I can certainly recommend her as a meditation instructor.
Tom S., Professor, Ithaca.
CONTACT send e-mail QUESTIONS: Call Kala at 607-339-9849
Kala’s Bio/Creds:
Meditation: I’ve graduated the 18 month, Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Training program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, CA. I began meditation in the early 90′s. I have “sat” intensive, silent mindfulness meditation retreats ranging from 7 days to six weeks in length. The last one was in Fall 2013. My Western teachers have included Myoshin Kelley and Joseph Goldstein. I also have practiced under the guidance of Chanmay Sayadaw and Sayadaw U Pandita, both are highly respected Burmese monks and meditation masters. Most of this practice takes place at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA.
Massage: In 2007, I enrolled in a comprehensive 1,000 hour massage therapy program and got my NY state license. This complements my additional training in shiatsu from the International School of Shiatsu, in Doylestown, PA. My massage practice focus is shiatsu, for it’s amazing impact on health, energy and healing.
- I am a certified yoga teacher and practitioner of 19 years. Originally certified by Kripalu Yoga Center in the Berkshires, I found that the intensity of the city demanded a vinyasa flow to match. I began to blend the Kripalu yoga styles sweetness with a vigorous Ashtanga inspired flow. Now my teaching style is a more gentle but deep hatha yoga or kundalini yoga forms.
- Over the years I regularly took classes with Dharma Mittra (a truly divinely inspired teacher,) and Alan Finger. I also studied Ashtanga with David Swenson.
- For three years, I operated Sattva Yoga & Wellness, a small studio in midtown Manhattan. And got featured in several magazines, including Self, Yoga Journal and Essence. I was a board member of the New York Yoga Teachers Association in it’s founding year.
- I then went off and became an art professor full-time.
- I’ve taught workshops and ongoing classes to faculty, staff and students at colleges including the Graduate Center of City University of N.Y, N.Y.U. And regular and substitute @ NY Sports Clubs & Equinox; as well as a roster of private clients in NYC. My video for beginners–Start with Yoga was sold by a division of Book-of-the Month Club/Doubleday.
- I studied macrobiotics and holistic health at Gulliver’s Living and Learning Center (now called the Institute for Integrative Nutrition) in NYC.
CONTACT send e-mail QUESTIONS: Call Kala at 607-339-9849
Mid-Winter 2017: Introduction to Chakras
We will meditate and do visualization practices for activating, clearing and strengthening each chakra. Each week we will have homework to continue the work on the chakras.
Early Registration opens March 4th.
Evenings: Thur. March 16- Apr. 27th, 6:00- 7:15 pm
State St. (5 Min. from Commons, Ithaca, NY) @ Private Studio Space