TOPIC: Major Arcana Tour: The Empress What’s She to You! $3-5 donation or bring a box of tea for the house.
Where: Address given after RSVP, if never attended before I’ll email you a few questions and if give address once your approved.
• ARE YOU A BEGINNER? Here’s a link read about EMPRESS MEANING before Meetup (it’s a great site):
FOR TAROT NEWBIES & PRO’S ALL are welcome, bring an open mind, kindness and non-dogma to the table.
My tarot website: I’m new to Ithaca and enjoy tarot & oracle cards, among other spiritual tools for growth & self-awareness. Are you into creating a small group that hangs out 1x month or even every 6 weeks, to talk all things- tarot, oracle and such? And to support each other in manifestation- meaning we can talk about what we want to bring into being in our lives.
If it goes well-with your support- I would see:
• Have a tarot book club some meetings where we talk/present on a cool book
• Practice & do mini-readings for each other-only if the person want’s one. We could do readings for ourselves too and ask for advice or others interpretation of a reading.
• Longer term: organizing tarot meetups in cafes (with permission) & practice perhaps do mini-readings for whomever wants???
• I imagine the group will be mostly gals (if you are a guy please be clear on: are you into tarot, how long etc, give some details when you ask to join, so we know you are serious.)
Part 1:
• Welcome from Kala and few meeting flow reminders.
• Brief self-intro round the circle! Once all have chance:
• 5 minutes each to speak about the specific theme: how you interpret it? What about in specific types of readings ie. love, health etc.
• After all get their show n tell. Open discussion.
Part 2:
Time for practice readings! We usually have 1 person do reading & finish. Then others take a stab at how they would interpret-it’s fun and by seeing, hearing and doing we all learn. OR if enough folks multiples can read at a time.
I really want to officially end at 1.5 hours. Then folks who need to leave can and the rest can still hang out till all hours ;-).
IF YOU WANT TO BE ON THE EMAIL LIST TO get REMINDER WHEN NEXT ONE’s ARE. Then fill this out. You’ll then just use link back to this page to RSVP, just like Meetup used to do it: