Manifesting Your Dreams Pt. 1

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Hello all. Namaste. Lets continue on learning about Manifestation, see the intro here. Today because of a intuitive consult I did with someone where the issue of creativity loomed large, that’s on my mind. It is a huge part of manifesting your goals and dreams, it has been for me. And-at least for the folks who gravitate to this method-yogi’s/yogini’s, creative types in general or those who need to breakout of an unfulfilled life that isn’t making them happy! Why? Your creativity is form of energy, it’s like a type of fuel for your life, it connects you to your right brain-the part that is more creative, able to see new ideas, ways of doing/being-it’s a completely different type of intelligence than we usually use. So if your feeling stuck then maybe you need to access new tools, new approaches?

Below is part of a list from Jennifer Lee, of, see her complete list on this page of that site. She also does these marvelous Right Brain Business Plan courses-see those at  So these are three books with her reviews,  to jump start your creative juices. I include them here to let you know about her and because they can jump start your work in manifestation of your dreams!  The last book Creative Visualization, I can vouch for myself as really crucial to have– it’s pre-Secret, it’s the granddaddy of a lot of similar books, highly recommended.  I’ve given copies to folks-the last one was so dog-earred the woman I lent it to, loved it so much she bought herself a copy and also gave me new copy!  Blessings.

Creativity (It’s not just about art!)

The Nine Modern Day Muses and a Bodyguard: 10 Guides to Creative Inspiration for Artists, Poets, Lovers, and Other Mortals Wanting to Live a Dazzling Existence by Jill Bodansky — This fun and whimsical book gives practical tips to tap into your creativity. She updates the ancient muses, giving us inspiration to take risks, be bold and have lots of laughs.
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink — A look at how right-brain skills such as design, empathy, story telling and play are crucial to succeeding in an increasingly globalized economy.

Creative Visualizatio n: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti Gawain — A classic self-development book that describes how to manifest your goals and desires through focusing your intentions using simple, yet powerful exercises and visualizations.

So the book Creative Visualization was really the first to show me and many others this approach, and I’ve incorporated and adapted so much of it’s info that it’s now natural. These four points  are vital to manifesting your dreams into reality: Belief, Motivation, Desire, A regular practice that quiets the mind (-meditation is ideal, yoga, tai chi, and chi kung)
Before we examine those in more detail it’s important that, whatever the goal or dream is,

  1. it’s purpose cannot be to cause harm
  2. It’s a true desire (not a goal that is being foisted upon you.) You must really want it to be so.
  3. You can believe it’s achievement is possible for you

Why not stop now and think of what your burning desire is, and run these questions in your mind, and then in writing. Writing things down is crucial to manifestation. It’s a level of making things more concrete than an idea that is only in the mind. Ok. So do that now (a primary desire or goal) or after finishing the post.

Taking the points individually:

#1 why would you come up with a goal that you know will cause harm. Now how this is interpreted could be difficult, for example you want to shift to a creative field that you think will make less money. The problem is you are a primary breadwinner for you family of 5! This could still get the internal go ahead from you-exploring your dream is not intended to cause harm. And intentions are huge. I’m talking more of plans that you know will deliberately harm someone. Warning: intentionally negative acts will come back to you. It is a spiritual law.

So next #2 is this a true desire? Do you really want it to be so? This could be where creative visualization comes in!

Exercise: make yourself comfortable in a recliner or laying supported but flat.  Relax by taking 5 or more deep breaths, emphasize the exhale.  (I’ll be adding a guided audio on this shortly)  Relax your body.   When you feel relaxed, begin to imagine yourself living this dream.  See it or feel it, go through the day doing what it is you dream of.  How does it feel?  Do issues come up, fears, worries?  GOOD! Write them down immediately after sitting up.  They will be what may block you and are worth examining.
So many successful people at least the ones who talk about it, including Oprah Winfrey and Taylor Swift, utilize this technique consciously or by accident!  I watched an interview with Taylor Swift (I don’t watch TV much this must have been on a visit to a friend) and she enthusiastically talked about how she constantly imagined herself singing and being onstage performing happily, living her dream.  Starting from a really young age, it was a vivid reality for her. This is a really important first and ongoing step, don’t underestimate it.
#3 Can you believe it’s acheivement is possible for you? That’s key to get your sub-concious mind on board.  That part of the mind is obedient and non-thinking, it’s almost like it runs a program, and you need to get it on board with any changes you desire.

So discover a true desire, what I’d call your Heart Dream?  And run the 3 questions about it.  Can you
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Take rest;  a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid Kalavati (Viv Williams) send e-mail Intuitive consultations

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