Money, Why Don’t You Have Enough?
Update on the Yoga of Prosperity Challenge, I’m still at it. I’ve had several breakthrough emotional moments over many weeks. I’ve discovered that money is fraught with anxiety for me-has been I should say. My parents would fight over-guess what? MONEY. There was never enough. I was told “you don’t understand money,” “how will you take care of yourself, when we’re gone?” And lots more like that, and I wasn’t even a teen yet! And of course who would have taught me these “things I don’t understand about money,” but the parents who were too busy scolding me. I didn’t even get an allowance so where’s the proof of my incompetence with money?
The Louise Hay Gift Book CollectionThe fact is THEY DIDNT have any! Our family, friends have their issues and it reflects back to us-we love these folks they are our community, so we try subconsciously to match them, to make them RIGHT! “Ok, if my parents say I’m incompetent with money, well by God so be it, I’m only a kid, they know what they are talking about.” This happens below your conscious awareness. And worse yet if we see them struggling we have “proof” that money is difficult to acquire or save.
What ideas do you have playing in your head about money? My parents were very religious and my dad would repeat that quote about a “rich man getting into heaven is harder than fitting a camel through the eye of a needle.” So of course they didn’t have enough money, in their minds you could either be Poor and Good, or Rich and Damned!
Write down the ideas or beliefs you were raised with. Be aware of them. Then reverse them in writing and start to repeat the positive phrases as affirmations, especially in front of a mirror if you can. I know it can sound hokey, but when I do it,within a few repetitions guess what? I start to feel good, really good. It’s a matter of talking to yourself and feeling the words r-e-g-u-l-arly.
You Can Heal Your LifeAre you thinking you are not “good enough?” That’s another big one, again from childhood, when we were never “good enough” because we were children! We didn’t have the skills, and awareness the grown ups did so it was easy to feel incompetent! You had to be shown how to do things, so you felt a bit inferior, not tall enough, coordinated enough, smart enough.
Well we are grown-ups now! We just have to wash away those old tapes that whiz around deep inside our heads.
The Soul of Healing Affirmations A-Z Guide to Reprogramming the… Affirmations for the Inner ChildBe strong, strongly positive, and confident. Don’t see yourself as a victim of anyone or anything, don’t fall into complaining and blaming. Life will start to reflect back to you the beauty and possibility that is inside you. Changing these old ideas takes time-but it can be short if we are consistent. Monitor your language avoid repetitive negative stories-of how you were wronged! It’s over-clear it and move on strong!
Another tip: When someone asks you a question that gets right to your challenges. You know “how is the job hunt going?” You don’t want to lie but giving a true answer will pull you into the mire of self-doubt and fears; and affect how they perceive you which they then reflect back ie. “John is having trouble finding work, I hope he can manage…” So plan ahead. Have a stock answer ready, your stock answer so it’s natural to you. And then if the person keeps prying (and you don’t want to share) repeat it. Just say the same thing a few times. And they will move on.
You are awakening and blossoming, enjoy learning and growing. Finally don’t compare yourself to others just blossom into your own unique gorgeous flower. Move on strong and enjoy the journey.