My Resume

Link is to formatted version of resume in Google Docs:

Version 2.

Vivinne (Kala) Williams
1311 E. State St. Ithaca, NY 14850
Email: Phone: 607.339.9849


1994 Rutgers University, M.F.A Painting. Mason Gross School of the Arts, NJ
1992 Mount Holyoke College, B.A. Cum laude, in Studio Art. South Hadley, MA.
1981-82 Pratt Institute, Art foundation year. Brooklyn, NY.
1981 Music & Art High School, Graduate, magnet high school. NYC.
Areas of specialization: painting, drawing, figure drawing, 2D design
Training leading to licensure (LMT) in massage therapy. Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage, Syracuse, NY.


2008-present Self-Employed, Part-time. Business Writing/Website Marketing. Online.
2012-13 Substitute Teaching. Greenfield Public Schools & Franklin County Technical School. Greenfield, MA & Turner’s Falls, MA.
2003-07 Assistant Professor of Art, Tenured. Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY.
◆ Teaching full time 5/5 Load: Drawing, Painting, Design, Figure Drawing, 2D Design.
Drawing Coordinator for Department, re-examined course requirements, suggested curricula updates, answered questions adjuncts had regarding teaching expectations.
◆ Student advisement, research, course design and create syllabi. Maintain studios, and props, order supplies and materials.
◆ Participate in campus and department committees including: Teaching Center Committee, Diversity Committee and Gallery Committee. Served on various faculty search committees.
◆ Restarted defunct student Art club. Plan & organize trips: NYC (multiple), Italy, student recruitment, book transportation & lodging, tracking payments and meet payment deadlines, organizing club meetings, ordering food, keeping club officers engaged and active.
1994-2003 Adjunct Associate Professor of Art. Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY.
◆ Taught Painting I & Drawing I, planning semester course flow, research new courses and create
◆ Developed a new art appreciation course offering: Women Artists from Impressionism to 1960. Had the class co-listed as a women studies elective. Charged with acquiring slides of art by women artists to upgrade the collection.
1995-1999 Museum of Modern Art, Freelance Lecturer, Education department. NY, NY.
◆ Developed & delivered multi-part in school lectures/art activities for grades 3-12.
◆ Conducted in-museum lectures using M.O.M.A.’s discussion format that encourages open-ended
questions and discussion.

2012 Artist’s Grant, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT. (For Dec. 2012 residency)
‘92-94 Ralphe Bunche Fellowship, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. $12,000 for minority graduate student.
1992 Skinner Fellowship, from Mt. Holyoke College. Awarded for graduate studies.
1991 Janet Brooks Memorial Prize from Mt. Holyoke. For study at Skowhegan.
1991 Lawrence H. Bloedel Fellowship, from the Skowhegan School.


2007-08 Wellness Coordinator, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY.
Designed and taught two different workshops & yoga classes to faculty, staff & students. Workshops were “Mindfulness for Stress Reduction,” taught awareness skills, breathing and relaxation techniques. Workshop was open to entire college community. “Desk-side Stretch” aimed at faculty/staff, taught simple movements to increase energy, relieve fatigue and avoid repetitive stress injuries.

  • Developed program to use yoga and stress management programs as part of the mandatory sanctions for students who were abusing alcohol or drugs in the dorms. Enlisted the support of the Residential life director and college administration to implement it.
  • Scheduling workshop times, booking rooms, confirming participation, creating and disseminating marketing materials. Liaison between academic departments and Human resources, Events office, Campus Web etc. to organize and promote programs.
  • Researched and wrote report, outlining the steps necessary to implementing a new massage therapy degree program at the college.

In first semester of new program implementation: presented to approximately 400 students, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from both classroom teachers and students. Actual evaluations are available, and references upon request.

1999-02 Yoga studio owner/manager, Sattva Yoga & Wellness studio. New York, NY
Managed yoga studio, taught classes and workshops.
Created yoga video “Start with Yoga” which sold privately and by Doubleday through one of its niche book clubs.
Hired & supervised teaching staff
Successfully promoted the studio, which was featured in national publications including Yoga Journal, Self & Essence magazines.