Private Yoga & Meditation NYC

Why In Home Private Yoga Classes?

Due to my practice and teaching yoga and meditation-I truly believe yoga + meditation, is the best, complete system of mind, body and spirit enhancement.

Each custom private yoga lesson includes postures (asanas) and pranayama (breathing practices) for bodily strength, flexibility,  calming the mind and purifying the body.

We always end our yoga practice with relaxation (shavasana) to restore and rejuvenate the body at a profound bliss level.  Your cells will dance with joy.

Over time this reflects in that yoga glow, as well as a yoga butt.  Yoga glow- a radiance- is the outer manifestation  of an inner glow-a steady inner peace that is your true nature.

With regular private meditation/yoga classes-

  • you’ll find your day flows better,
  • you accomplish more and
  • you cope better no matter what challenges come up with family or business.

And physically:

  • Feel calmer, more focused
  • Better, deeper sleep
  • More energy for your activities
  • Greater flexibility, balance and even strength
  • Diminished headaches, backaches, reproductive issues improve 



You will receive a call within 24 hours get questions answered & to schedule a FREE YOGA LESSON*.

  1. Once you’re on my schedule, then fill out a secure Private Yoga intake form here, I’ll be notified via email that it’s completed.
  2. Since your intake form is received before to our first yoga class, I can start to tailor our work together and print out the form
  3. At first lesson:  we go over form and your goals, we then do a yoga session, ending with deep relaxation and bit of aromatherapy (if desired.)  And then we discuss rates, which vary depending on factors like location, your choice of series length etc.
  4. You are under no pressure to continue as a client at that point.

*New private clients only,  most Manhattan areas included.


  • Start to function at optimal levels, clarity of mind, sense of ease in body and overall health.
  • A restorative yoga or gentle practice can de-stress and improve mood or menopausal.
  • Heal or cope with chronic illness, low back pain etc.
  • Learn to meditate (proven to alleviate stress symptoms)-perfect for fertility issues, or most chronic illness with stress component.  According to Ayurveda most illness is the result of imbalance and stress negatively impacting the body.  Unless mitigated in the long term this manifests as varying degrees of illness.
  • Cope with insomnia or life stress such as death of loved one.

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