Prosperity in 2011? Sample Intuitive Reading, #2
Welcome, it’s Kala,
Sample tarot reading
you have an interest in getting a tarot reading perhaps or are yourself pulling tarot* cards and like to read about the process. Here is the way I typically do a tarot reading for myself or a client. The first row is using the Goddess Guidance Deck by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D; the deck uses goddesses but the meanings are applicable to both men and women. The bottom row is the Osho Zen Deck which gives wonderful psychological and spiritual basis for what’s going on in our lives. And the little cards are Angel Cards
(a deck of 70 simple cards with image.
This person, let’s call them Joan is mostly concerned with issues of prosperity now, and this is a positive spread; she should be able to manifest a big increase in money (shown by the appearance of two cards with same meaning in spread.) That is if she takes the steps indicated by other cards. Reading L-R top row:
Sedna–She means Infinite Supply, you are supplied now and in the future. She is an Inuit Goddess and is linked with the seas and sea creatures which represented abundance for that them. Don’t worry about the future your needs will be met. Depending on the question, she also means-move to or near the ocean, go sailing, swimming or surfing. Give money to support ocean related causes.
Butterfly Maiden- You are going through huge transformations now, allow the old to be shed as these endings are bringing in the new for you. your prayers have been answered with this change. She is a Hopi spirit.
Lakshmi- An Indian Vedic Goddess of fertility, abundance and all things good! Sot his reiterates the first card. Stop worrying as it will block the good trying to manifest for you. Your future is bright, you and loved ones will be protected and provided for. Give up any “bag-lady” fears. Don’t worry about money but instead visualize abundance!
So right away Joan is being told its goinging to be ok- regarding money at least! And this seems like it is newly coming in as the middle card is about transformation. The Osho Tarot cards get into more depth:
The FOOL: as you can see the figure is stepping off a cliff, oblivious. It say take a risk, you are totally supported right now-even if it appears foolish what you want to do. Maintain your innocence, optimism and let go of past hurts or disappointments. START FRESH, you will benefit.
CONDITIONING- a beautiful card it shows a lion. The story is of a lion who was raised by sheep! He never knew his power or majesty till he was captured by an old lion and brought to look into a clear stream. So. Let go of old false conditioning-in this case around money, I also read the cards in a row across but also relating to above card. So the transformations (Btrfly Mdn) are around old conditioning that limited your prosperity. For example childhood teachings or statements by parents teachers etc.
SOURCE– Reading vertically this relates to Lakshmi-so how to manifest abundance? The source card says just that. It’s like an ace card in the tarot it’s ace of fire actually. Meaning-there is a vast amount of energy and power available to you now. Tap into it by meditating, or finding your way to get really still so you can hear and tap into that Source to fuel your creative expression/work/actions that will lead you to Laskhmi.
Overall this is a wonderful reading! It’s unequivocally positive regarding a change in the ability to prosper. The Angel cards are: Openness, Truth and Intention. Clearly one first sets an Intention regarding goals or new actions (See my related posts below.) Getting clear about what we really (Truth) want. So for Joan there is still need to do those steps and Openness is perhaps being open to the changes that result with increased abundance and be open to the ideas form Source on how to accomplish that.
Next post I’ll give an powerful affirmation that can be used to manifest, that derived from this reading.
*tarot-I use the word tarot throughout, as that is how most people search, as its the most common form of divination tool. Many don’t’ know that there are many other decks or divination tools. My chosen ones are Osho, and Goddess decks. Check out My bio is here or contact.