Shiatsu Massage Overview: 5 Element Theory


Here as promised is the first part of a straightforward series on the theory behind shiatsu massage, in order to make it more understandable.

The Generating Cycle represents an understanding of the natural world including the human body, as a miniature reflection of the Universe. So 5 Elements are mentioned-each has a series of correspondences ie. sense organs, season, color etc. that we will discuss later in this series. But basically each element is seen as supporting the one following in the cycle (follow the arrow.) A lot of the “theory” is poetic and based on intense observation using our human senses, codified over centuries.
Lets look at Water, in life water nourishes Wood (plant life.) We burn Wood to create Fire, yeah that’s true! Fire dies down and creates ash which feeds the Earth. And Metal is formed within the Earth. Ok the last one is a bit less easy-but Water condenses on Metal. And we start all over. So your saying what does that have to do with massage?
Each element represents a pair of organs & energy channels (meridians.) And when one is healthy and thus in harmony– the energy flows in that order.
Let’s go through the list, starting at my favorite-Wood and notice that I’m keeping the order outlined above of the Generating Cycle aka Nurturing Cycle.
  • Wood= Liver & Gallbladder
  • Fire=is a bit different and has 2 pairs: Heart & Small Intestine; and Pericardium & Triple Heater
  • Earth=Stomach & Spleen
  • Metal= Lung & Large Intestine
  • Water= Kidney & Bladder
So now your thinking well she left out an awful lot of organs! Some system… Like where does the brain come in that’s really really important. Well believe it or not the Ancients did not leave out the brain-they were not unaware of it’s existence. Some of the elements have direct link to the Mind- the heart for example but on some level they all do….
Lets delve a bit deeper. So you get the flow right?
A wonderful thing is the holistic nature of Traditional Chinese Medicine (from which shiatsu originated) and in fact many world systems of healing. On the holistic note lets talk about emotions. Emotions of course are linked to our thoughts which come from our Brain!! (see told yah they didn’t forget) and correspond to a particular element. Now this is where I find it such a beautiful understanding of the human being. The emotions that correspond to each element are:
  • Anger: Wood= Liver & Gallbladder
  • Overexcitement: Fire=a bit different and has 2 pairs: Heart & Small Intestine; Pericardium & Triple Heater
  • Worry: Earth=Stomach & Spleen
  • Sadness: Metal= Lung & Large Intestine
  • Fear: Water= Kidney & Bladder
Of course the emotions above have many levels of expression, again lets take Wood: ranging from irritation, impatience to full blown rage. And Water element fear ranges from bit afraid at times to constant fear to panic attacks. Notice the colors of the emotions…so I will leave you wondering about that. Be well.

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