Take a Self-Care Break with Me, Relax & Renew

By purplemattfish @Flickr


Dear readers, I’m still around.  A quick check in. To avoid burnout which  you know, I know (see “about” page)- I am taking a few days to do all the cr##P I know how to do to replenish myself.  See some of things I’ll be doing, via some helpful tips posts:

Also [amazon_link id=”0962713848″ target=”_blank” ]Relax & Renew[/amazon_link] is a fabulous book by Judith Lasater, on using restorative yoga at home.  It’s awesome and really works- you need a few props and cushions, it’s so worth 20 min, daily or few times a week to avoid burnout.  For a lot of it you can substitute cushions you have around, and blankets used creatively.  Basically it’s passive supported yoga poses, super comfortable is the goal, no effort!

[amazon_image id=”0962713848″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times[/amazon_image]

Why am I so beat??

Been working for weeks- wrapping my head around doing work as a web designer.  Been staying up till 2am, many nights and now tired.  I’m finally happy with my website, http://design.gallerylotus.com/. It’s work making a website, the design decisions, content decisions.  This is a result of it dawning on me that my spending 18 months living and breathing blogging and blog and website setup and design-dovetails with my background in art.  But it’s a revelation to me that I’ve enjoyed working digitally to do design-hence jumping into the adjacent world of web design out of the fine arts stuff.

So I”m off to practice the stuff I preach 😉  Restorative relaxation pose-legs up the wall, eye-pillow-here I come, oh where’s my music??

Oh-if anyone has an inspirational video or audio to recommend…

that I can use on this blog-let me know, I may use it!  Should be uplifting and inspiring. Email me or leave it in comments.

So I’ve just manifested my new website: yah baby!  If you are a solo entrepreneur or have a small business, lets talk about your web presence.  Namaste and practice your self care, it’s crucial to the Yoga of Manifestation.

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