The Yoga of Prosperity Challenge

YPC: What is it?
Listen to an extended audio of this post here in ITunes! Audio includes a mini gratitude meditation practice. Namaste

A Prosperity Challenge…The Yoga of Prosperity.   This idea-it’s part of a more intense, ongoing questioning.  How can a “spiritual” person, who cares about the world and others get over a block with money.  How to prosper in the current environment in a way that feels good, provides wonderful service to others who need it;  yet is mindful of “enough.”  I need joy and beauty– yes, but I don’t want to be “greedy”!  Minimalist, Zen prosperity. As a self-identified (sometimes)  Buddhist, “greed” is one of the 3 “no, no’s.”  They are greed, hatred and delusion.  Basically the causes of suffering, according to the old school Buddhism, that I practice…More on that another time.
Ideas began whizzing around;   this post, a post began writing itself.

Golden spirals
Photo: Golden Spirals

The movie Julie, Julia that was a hit recently, all started with a blog.  That’s where I got the idea of giving myself a challenge like the writer did in that movie (of cooking all of Julia Child’s formidable recipes.)  Folks like challenges.  I like challenges. And frankly this is what I’m thinking about:  how to increase my income.  So why not make it public!  

I believe in manifestation.  I’ve had miraculous things happen to me, that cause friends to say to me, “stuff happens to you….”  With a kind of dismay.   I used to say, “you have to believe.”  At that point I’d get a look of frustration and/or a little sparring match on why they can’t do “it.”  Whatever it is for them. 
So I want to put my money where my mouth is.  I’ve had some hard times in the recent past.  More on that later.   I am basically recovering from the loss of my mojo!  My touch, my sense of “following my star.”  I’m on the way back.  So come along for the ride.  My hope is if I can meet my goal then I can show others how.   So I’ve gotta coach myself first.
So what is the goal?  Well, I’m thinking to double my income in a set amount of time like…______ days.  Ok so how many.  I don’t know yet!  I like 108 days but that’s really short-come on.  Then 1,008 too long.  Shhweessshhh.  Deep exhale.    That reminds me-if by any chance a movie gets made.  A movie about an ageless, black, not 20’ something,  yoga teacher/shiatsu therapist/artist/intuitive, then by God I want Angela Bassett to play me!  She has fabulous arms, google her I kid you not.  Or some attractive, lithe, young actress who resembles me-kind of.
The Yoga of Prosperity Challenge: Prep Day
Wrote first post!


Take rest;  a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  Ovid Kalavati (Viv Williams)  send e-mail Shiatsu massage/yoga/intuitive consultation

2 Responses to “The Yoga of Prosperity Challenge

  • Malcolm Smith
    15 years ago

    Do you have debt? If so, get rid of it. Even if you have to file for bankruptcy. People do not realize that being in any kind of debt is a huge block to prosperity.

  • Kalavati
    15 years ago

    Malcolm thanks for the advice. Bankruptcy is said to leave such a negative mark on your records. And yet paying off debt, if income is low is very hard. So I"m gonna try the tack of increase income and pay down smallest debt first, you'll finish it off and sense of satisfaction will motivate you. Others advise a more logical: pay off biggest debt or highest interest rate first. Hmmmm…