Transitions-Root Chakra
Namaste. Here we are in the second month of the year of 2010 deep in winter, and yet a peak of springtime is already being felt. So many around me are in transition-whether physical or emotional. Lots of moving of homes and apartments often because of unwelcome or negative factors.

Home has to do with the first chakra, muladhara, our root. Muladhara is the base from which other chakras blossom. Perhaps this month is a good time to do a meditation on the first chakra. To ground ourselves for changes present and future. A chakra is an energetic vortex, located withing the subtle body, which is located within the physical body. After practicing yoga for over a decade I’m only recently feeling the chakras-most people are completely unaware of them within their bodies and would say that it’s a bunch of crock for that reason.
Oh well. My vision is not great and I can’t see the intricate patterning on beautiful bird hovering 50 feet away while my fully visioned friend can. Should I insist on my version of reality which is that it’s a grey blob of a thing off in the distance? Or might I trust my friends better vision and open up to the possibility.
A simple Root Chakra Meditation:
The sound for the root chakra is Lam, sounding lam, lam, lam. Focus on the base of the spine, noticing where you feel sensations. It’s said to be most focused at the area between genitals and anus so basically your root that contacts the earth when seated. The color to focus on is red. The element is earth, which makes sense.
When Muladhara is balanced we feel balanced, centered, high in energy.
One could start by taking a few calming deep inhalations and audible “ahhh” exhalations, releasing any tension in the body. Feeling very aware of the body and sensations as well as the calm breath. After a few minutes of this then turning to focus on the color, and mentally or audibly saying the sound lam, lam…5-10 minutes would be a good amount of time. And then slowly opening the eyes, perhaps rubbing the face with the hands. Give a few minutes to transition on to the rest of your day. Perhaps making a note of any sensations, memories or ideas that came up.
Here are some books focused on the chakras that are a good start in order of easiest on left to most detailed on right (last one has no cover preview but is also available from Amazon) :
In shiatsu the first chakra would seem to correspond to Stomach/Spleen meridians which are the earth element also. Having to do with nourishment, stability, ability to receive and utilize…hmm interesting to combine the Chinese system of meridians with the Indian system of charkra’s and subtle bodies.
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid
Kalavati (Viv Williams) send e-mail
Shiatsu massage/yoga/transition mentoring