Types of Meditation: Chakra Meditation
Chakra Meditation is it for Beginners?
If you have practiced any yoga or read “new agey” kind of books, then you have heard of chakras, no doubt. Chakra meditation is one type of meditation technique. This is an overview for beginners to chakra meditation and it continues on the series of posts on various types of meditation.
Chakras are energetic centers in the subtle body, which is housed in our physical bodies. The translation of the word “chakra” is wheel, circle or better vortex or whirlpool according to Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s book Asana, Pranayama Mudra and Bandha. Swami Saraswati’s book is highly recommended if you are already practicing yoga and want to know more, it’s pretty encyclopedic but understandable.
About Chakras
Usually there are said to be seven major chakras, they line up along the spine. From top of head to bottom at coccyx they are
- Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
- Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra
- Vishudda (Throat) Chakra
- Anahata (Heart) Chakra
- Manipura (Navel) Chakra
- Swadishtana (Sex) Chakra
- Muladhara (Root) Chakra
Anodea Judith, Ph.D. calls chakras are “organizing centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies.” Her book Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra…, is also highly recommended, it is written for a Western audience and is thorough, giving exercises, psychological, spiritual and physical implications of chakra work.
Music inspired by chakras
Chakra SuiteChakra Books
Chakra MeditationFree sites with excellent chakra info:
There are so many correlations so here are some links to free sites with more info so I’m not repeating what’s out there: Chakras at Wikipedia, which is quite clear and extensive. Also see link chakra at SanatanaSociety.com if you prefer a more colorful and culturally specific info. The latter also sell beautiful posters as do many sites on chakras.
Chakra Meditation Technique:
I would not recommend chakra meditation as the first meditation technique for beginners for a couple of reasons:
- it requires strong concentration
- and subtle sensitivity
So it’s helpful to first get practiced in hatha yoga (the physical postures) and some type of more general meditation such as mindfulness or breath awareness meditation first. Having said that. Chakra meditation might be enjoyable and rewarding for you if:
- You are a “visual” person, attracted to and able to see shapes/colors easily
- Are sensitive to subtle energy or sensations
- Have are regular practice of yoga and are attracted to deeper study
So basically one would have an image of the chakras available and in seated posture being to visualize the colors and shapes of each chakra. At minimum (and this works) is while sensing in the area of the spine and body, to tune into the color that correlates, and repeat the chakra sound. So that combines-feeling, seeing and sound to occupy the mind and begin to tune into, activate and heal the chakra! So check out the Amazon links to buy a book, check your library or see the Free Sites area where I give two great sites to get that info.
Benefits of Chakra Meditation :
This is according to Swami S. Saraswati, Hiroshi Motoyama,
and Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
Better function on physical level of glands, nerves that are governed by respective chakra
- access higher planes of consciousness by stimulating specific areas of the brain
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