What You Don’t Know About Getting Clients Via Your Website
Adapted & moved from my former website: designgeekster.com.
Basically SEO (search engine optimization) helps your yoga or wellness business website to rank higher in search results (SERPS.) Thus bringing more traffic to your website, from search engines than your competition gets!
Potential clients query Google for things like “private yoga teacher Bethesda,” if you don’t show up on page 1- it’s highly unlikely that person will find you. Often they seek info first, things like “does yoga help back pain?” If your website has a blog on that and you are near the querant- you may show up on first page- or at least you could if you knew was to do.
This video (3.5 min.) even though it is a few years old gives a great fast overview of what SEO is! If you are a yoga teacher/wellness professional/small business and you want to grow your business online, and increase your website traffic, you may label it “online marketing.” SEO is also called “internet marketing.”
Being seen on the first few pages and ideally page 1 will help bring in a lot more customer calls and queries.
The video covers the basics of SEO, that many business owners especially those with an older (5 years or more) website are not even aware of. The search landscape changes often, think of Google’s, Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates- it’s hard for a business owner to track all of this and run a business.
Even professional seo consultants are constantly doing research and trying things out to increase traffic to a particular website. And seo techniques that “worked” in the past might not be as effective in the future. I only recommend what are called “white hat” techniques, jut think old Westerns, the good guy (gal?) wore white hats.
The basics of SEO start with interesting well written, helpful content. That’s the first step to grabbing attention online but it’s only a start.
If the search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo) can’t read and understand what’s on your website it won’t perform well and they won’t send traffic to your website!
FIND OUT MORE: Take advantage of my offers, join my email list for tips and get 10 Tips to Improve Website or contact to schedule a time to work together.
Namaste, Kala