Work as Your Unique Gift to the World

So many of us now are wondering and filled with fear about our future, the future of the planet.  How can we help? Don’t let yourself be overcome by fear.  You cannot make the best choices when fear is the dominant energy.  Shift it any way that you can so that you do not add to the fear on the planet.

As I do every morning, after hopefully doing my sadhana (of meditation or yoga,) I then do a “reading” for myself for the day.  This mornings cards inspired me, and I”ll share some of them with you.  I use the Zen Tarot Deck by Osho.

The issues that came up are trans-personal:  COMPARISON & ORDINARINESS were two of the cards.  They relate beautifully to each other.
The comparison card, talks about how we compare ourselves and judge ourselves as either superior or inferior in matters of education, looks, smarts etc.  In any case the truth is, there will always be those above us in some ways and some below us.  And it’s meaningless.
What’s important is this:  Are you expressing your unique and beautiful gift to the world, someone(s) even sometwo’s are waiting for it! You don’t know.  A child could be waiting for your illustrations in magical colors in a new book.  I see lots of deep blues…
Or a man may be waiting to taste peach cobbler, he’s never had it but it was just mentioned in a TV show he’s watching.  You make a peach cobbler that everyone raves about!  But he’s in Norway, and unless you put out your recipe on your blog-he’ll never taste it. 

One piece of the current upheavals are that we are being(s) shifted to acknowledge our true gifts and skills with which we could transform the planet.  I feel that that is (on a spiritual level)-underlying some portion of what is happening at present.  Imagine if more people loved their work if they were allowed to be creative and expressive and trusted to do so!  If morality and meaning mattered in their work.  If they woke up happy and excited to begin!  Rather than focused on work as a means just to make money.  And I do respect money for what it provides;  but money should serve us not be our master.  Simply- if the means were enjoyable as well as the end of earning a living.  I really do believe in Do What You Love….but the whole world would need to shift if this were to be expressed on a massive scale, if we wanted to allow this to be so.

Does a pine tree with it’s lush scent and cool shady grove of sisters and brothers envy the palm tree with it’s curved trunk and bushy top.  Could they switch places and thrive?  Not really.  Each is unique to it’s environment, adapted;  it’s colors shapes and very essence fit in the landscape that is it’s home.

Can we become lush in our setting?  Are we in the right environment to thrive?  Is it too harsh, too cold, too fast paced? Are you doing your proper work?  

The second “issue” that arose is that of Ordinariness, the card shows a woman walking in a landscape carrying a basket of fresh picked flowers.  It advises us that we are ready to revel in the beauty and divinity of this very moment.  Folding the laundry or cleaning the bathtub.  Slicing the fresh, fragrant tomato from the farmers market.  Can we be fulfilled right in the present moment.  Chop wood and carrying water.  Just plain.  If we are in our right place then so be it.  Even if we find we need to make changes or the changes are happening around us.  Can you still stay plain and simple, fulfilled even if you just lost our job?  Right at this moment, the redness and peppery scent of the tomato.  Next moment,  phone calls to network for a new job…  The curtain blows in, touching your arm softly, you wait for an answer. 

Comments here are welcome.  Or join me at Sri-The Yoga of Manifestation on Facebook.  I wanted this blog to have a forum and it’s seemed the easiest way to do it.  It’s just getting started it’s a group open to all.  It’s mission statement is:

The Yoga of Manifestation & Prosperity. Sri can mean abundance, radiance, beauty all flourishing. In these times is it possible to infuse our lives with simplicity, beauty, joy, love and a sense of Sri of abundance?

Kalavati Viv Williams,LMT, MFA, intuitive readings, send e-mail

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