WORK+JOY= LOVE (I like it)
What do you think? I”m striving to listen to my intuition, that place within me that resonates with Truth. So many want to muddy it’s clear water. Shake it up and run back to their own lives! Meditation is often compared to a glass of muddy water, let to sit, it naturally clarifies and the gross separates from the subtle. Those of you out there in transition fright,
whoa, I meant to type “transition right (now).”
Wow Transition Fright! Well…I was going to say those of us in transition right now, which if you’re paying attention is many of us, just look around. So Transition Fright is helped by many things but one truly helpful is Meditation. It provides that time to clarify the mind, to cleanse it, of fears, worries, worst case scenarios and such.
Work is analyzed by some as “well it sounds like a creative challenge for you. Sounds interesting…” Ignoring that other half the right brained, heart focused 1/2, the Feminine half. I mean like archetypal feminine, as in it’s in all of us. So this is a friend saying this. Ignoring completely part of what I said, the why I didn’t take this job, that goes like this: “I felt drained and exhausted in their presence, it’s not the type of work that would bring me joy, all day at a computer dealing with data. It doesn’t draw on some of my major strengths…..”
48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal
by Dan Miller;
If you would like to contact me see below link, I’m beginning to offer mini sessions of Intuitive Transition Coaching…the name the perfect name eludes me still. But the idea is to provide information for discussion about your next directions. Drawing on my intuition/deep listening and experience and your inner knowing too, to put you on the path to your Highest Potential. Namaste.
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid Kalavati (Viv Williams) send e-mail Intuitive Transition Coaching/Shiatsu massage/Mindfulness/Yoga