You Are the Light of the World: Taking Your Pain Into Promise

I wanted to share the writings of wonderful writer/life coach who has lived her dream, Tama Kieves @ she was a lawyer, Harvard Law grad, but unhappy. She left it behind to follow her true dreams. This is part one, part two I’ll put up after Christmas. Namaste. Happy Holidays!

You are the Light of the World: Taking your Pain into Promise
©Copyright 2009 Tama J. Kieves. All rights reserved.

The wisdom tradition of A Course in Miracles teaches us, “I am the light of the world. That is my only function. That is why I am here.” When I first read that line part of me stood at attention as though its true name had been called through a fog and cobweb of centuries. The other part of me felt screwed.
At the time, I looked around at my life of half-written manifestos, unused yoga videos, and abrupt tectonic shifts of doubt and fear, and thought humanity could definitely benefit from a more reliable guide. But I have come to see that limitation is spirit calling my name. Limitation puts pins in my sofa and lumps in my pillow so that I do not fall asleep in my life. Limitation calls me to seek for strength, focus, achievement, and liberating powers I did not know I had. And, in the end, limitation gifts me with a one-of-a-kind credential in this world. It’s because as I come to experience freedom in the midst of defeated circumstances, I become a hope and light to others.
We, who are questioning our lives and our abilities, are the light of the world. We will be a beacon of comfort, hope and direction to those who need us. We are in the soup, but it is healing broth. We are the ones who are learning to find joy and full expression in the midst of bruised conditions. Every spiritual tradition teaches us that freedom is not being liberated once the job comes through, the check comes in or the skinny jeans fit. Freedom is learning how to be at peace no matter what, no matter when.
Our world is changing. The old ways are falling apart. Some talk about being in a revolutionary evolution of consciousness. We are the ones. We are the ones who are discovering our sacred resources and responses and bringing them to the table. We are the ones who write poems or sing praises to the divine, even as the stock market crumbles. Our dark days and stumbles are our training grounds. We are learning how to recognize a magnitude that is never threatened or taken away. We are discovering the river of faith in the dryness of our desert. We are the ones. We may not get it right every single day or even for weeks on end, but we are the ones…(Part 2 After Christmas)

©Copyright 2009 Tama J. Kieves. All rights reserved.
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